Cups are easy!

Good cups are hard! It don't matter the narrative, the maverick killer glaze, the painstaking carved imagery, the amazing wood fired surface if the bones of the pot aren't good you're building on a weak foundation. In the beginning ( wow that sounds like I roamed the Earth with the dinosaurs) I used to make straight cylinders for cups. They required no trimming just a roll on the table and I started by doing extruded handles( Lord strike me down dead for this sin I committed). I cling to my rosarie beads. They were what I now consider "so what" pots or even more critical would be to call them pedestrian. They were handmade cups - so what! Today I made some cups on my new loaner wheel "Iddy Biddy" and it surprised me how many steps I now take in the making of a cup. I am almost certain hardly anyone notices but me and that's Ok with me. "That'll do for now" scratches my sensibility for a good cup. I've always maintained if you make a cup that people insist on using each day you have put your business card in their hand today. Every mark you make, every detail you attend to, each consideration is a time suck. It takes ya more time to make a cup period paragraph!!!! Will you be satisfied with less? I ain't never satisfied with medio
cre. Cups thrown on "Iddy Biddy" my loaner treadle wheel from pal Emma Smith.
Pulled handles!
Filling in the crack of the handle.
Dipped in white slip and decorated. Oh I forgot part of the process was to add three feet to lift the cup up. I like the underneath glazed.


gz said…
There is certainly more to the simplest things, than meets the eye at first glance
Bill said…
Been making cups since 1972 and my work continues to evolve. I save examples from each design/concept to use/test at home. The earliest mugs I still have are from 1979 that are used every week. They are slightly flared cylinders with throwing rings visible, glossy brown color, some chips in the rims, but still doing the job. I now make mugs of fairly simple shapes once again, no deep foot rings that hold water after running through a cycle in the dishwasher, but with handles that make you happy to hold the cuppa in the morning.

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