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Finding your own voice.

The other day on Instagram I posted some bowls I had made on Iddy Biddy the yellow treadle wheel. They had the signature bulge and a couple of gashes on the side. If I told y'all the reference is the ball park in Saxx underwear you'd never buy one of my cups. A person on Instagram asked how I made those marks? I thought about it for a day and then gave a kinda vague answer like I push out from the inside with my finger and then I make a gash on either side with a sharp rib. Basically that's what I do. I slept on my answer and thought of the answer I should have given. Here it is "Give your imagination permission to fantasize with abandon about all the wild possibilities of mark making. The possibilities are endless for creative people. I love the imagery of Ron Meyers and in particular the rat. Wouldn't it be odd if I asked Ron to teach me how to draw his rat so that I could make them just like him? When I was using stamps from MKM and using them in a workshop pe

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