Form and Reform

I booked off the day from teaching to go see my buddy Bruce Cochrane's show at C2G2. Bruce is one of the best!!!! I was lucky he hired me as an Adjunct at Sheridan College School of Craft and Design. He upped the bar for me and for that I am ever soooooo grateful. Don't hang out with people of mediocre ambitions. Bruce is a worker! Bruce sets the gold standard for ceramics. It's a hard act to follow. I keep hoping Bruce will rub off on me somehow. The show was jaw dropping gob smacking AMAZING!
These vases are architechtonic in nature. They are amazing! And Bruce can draw them.
I love these sectional throw large jars. No wonder he gave himself a couple of hernia lifting these monsters.
The 3 vases at the top are amongst the latest of Bruce's work. Bruce's work always leaves me asking "how did he do that?" Double wall rims-yikes. If you are within striking distance of The Canadian Clay and Glass Gallery in Waterloo, Ontario don't miss this STRONG show by Bruce Cochrane.


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