Never give up!

In a few weeks I am having hand surgery that will lay me up with some nasty incisions and up to 6 weeks in a splint. What that means is no pots and no cycling. Well that's what they're telling me but I have selective hearing. I only hear what I want to hear. An amazing Canadian hero was the late Terry Fox. Terry ran 5373 kilometers or 3339 miles on one leg. Cancer spread to his lungs forcing the end of his cross Canada Marathon of Hope. Never give up!!! I have set a low goal for myself of only 300 K in the month of August. I will see how it goes riding with one hand. Probably have to stick with the Flatland Boogey. I find I pull myself up hills with my hands on the crossbars. I put the Riding for Kids Cancer up this morning and thank to my dear friends that have me already having met my goal. So I've upped it! The more I can do to help these little kids the more I'm motivated. Every buck counts so if ya can spare the price of a decent bottle of wine I'd welcome your kindness. The kids will love ya even more.


gz said…
All the best for your recovery...and one handed cycling is really for the turbo trainer!!

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