Jurassic Park

Sheila told me I was a dinosaur for making casseroles. I am the last man on the planet that still makes them. The once most purchased and never used utilitarian vessel of the 70’s and 80’s that I still enjoy making was being sent to the retro cupboard. Sheila went away for the day so I took the opportunity to make some “rolls”. I admit we don’t make stuff that is cooked in a covered dish but they sure are great for taking my Buffalo Chicken Wings to a pot luck. My neighbouring winery owner and absolutely fabulous patron of the arts has just built an igloo shaped wood firing oven at his home and wanted a pot to cook baked beans overnight so hey I want them cooked in one of my “rolls”.
I do love making kitchen pots and also know there is more money in making art than pots but hells bells somebody has to make pots for people that love to cook and love to serve their food in nice pots.
It’s a hellava thing to be a dinosaur and see your distinction just a few million years away.


Anonymous said…
NO No NO we DO want casseroles! My husband bought me one at the Jupiter Art Festival about 20 years ago. I remember the potter being an older man from Oklahoma, and telling us to put the chicken (or whatever) in the pot add some liquid, veggies, and seasonings, and roast until done maybe an hour or so. We loved that casserole, even took it to Mexico when we went there to live and it came back with us and then 6 years ago, I put the dinner in the casserole, relaxed, then after about 90 minutes, smelled burning ?? All of the liquid was gone, burning on the oven floor - the casserole had a line crack across the bottom!!! We think possibly it happened during the move we're not sure, but we mourned the piece and kept the lid. I found a young woman with the same name as the artist at some art festivals and finally put it all together that they are related! She is not on the web, too bad. I did buy another casserole, it is lovely but not used yet - we've been corrupted by our Wolfgang Puck stainless and that's what we use now. Why don't I make a casserole? I make disfunctional pottery for the joy of it. Useful does not enter into my sphere tho' once in a while when hubby uses something I made, it does make me feel good ~ do give people a recipie, they will love your casseroles! We don't own a microwave and love cooking for real!!
Michele said…
You are not a dinosaur, you're a maverick. We're Canadian with ungodly long cold spells for pete's sake, we're supposed to cook things in the oven in covered pots made by hand, n'est pas? And if the cat gets on the counter after supper before we have the energy to clean up it's so easy to keep her from getting into tomorrow's lunch because of the LID. So, I applaud your casseroles and covet one for myself. Hah.

mikpo said…
Well, I make casseroles too, only I call them storage jars, vs those plastic containers that make you sick, give you cancer, no doubt about it! And it's easy to reheat those leftovers . . .

But I make c's for cooking too (put in a cold oven, etc.) and just love it. There's a bit of a market for them, for some reason, like the market for pitchers.

There aren't that many functional potters left, so by golly we'll be an endangered species and then the gov money will roll in, AT LAST! mikpo

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