I give up!
I been accused of being a analog man living in a digital world. I like toggle switches in cars. I like rotary phones, radios with knobs and a fishing tackle cash box. While at the Calgary airport waiting for my flight back to the Hammer I spotted Tom Wilson of Blackie and the Rodeo Kings. Tom is an icon musician around my hood so I went up and said hello. I then proceeded to pull out my laptop to let Sheila know I was on my way. He said what are you doing with that? When I told him he waved his Iphone and said "Hey man, you're fighting the inevitable! I do all my business with this. So this week I was dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century. I have given up! I picked the sound of a train for my ring tone because I have always liked trains. Now to figure out how to stop the train from sounding in our bedroom at 1,2, 3, 4, 5 and 6am. We're even talking about getting rid of our land line. Do you all remember the tick of a clock? I miss it!