The Grand Old House

It is nice to be back in Ontario in our little secret part of Canada that is known as a Carolinian forest since we can grow things here that are native to the Carolina's pretty far south of here. Here is a pic of our 140 year old farm house that I call The Grand Old House- a grand for this and a grand for that!
We have this half breed Wisteria in our front yard that people stop to get their pictures taken beside since it is white on one side and purple on the other. Sheila has spent the better part of 2 weeks cleaning up the property which included me cutting down 3 large locust trees and a Chinese elm. Stacked and split we got around 4 cords of wood. It's good to see the flowers that I'm in charge of are still nicely rusting and that my cement shroooms are just about ready to eat. And they think BC is the mushroom capital of Canada-ha!


heidi kreitchet said…
this looks so nice! i love the top photo of you & shelia!

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