Dice Throw

I'm here in Seagrove NC for my buddy David Stuempfle's annual wood firing. This is no pony show this is the full on rodeo. There are thousands of pots in this kiln and David's entire years work. David is a Master maker with everything from beer mugs to 250 lb vassssssses. It took 4 days to load all the pots in the kiln. The stress of gambling your entire years work on one firing is incomprehensible to me. I would be a wreck! I have noticed David's mood change in the past few days and why wouldn't it? It's June in NC and the temperature is soaring in the 90's. I have three shifts from 5 to 12 that I ain't particularly looking forward to. He would do it for me and friends cover friends asses. David makes BIG pots! Not sure how long he can keep this up. If ya got some cash buy one they are amazing and soon to be in short supply. He is the very best big pot maker in NC and maybe all of Amerika. I am so grateful to be part of this murder of crows.


gz said…
That's what I love about wood firing and salt/soda too... teamwork

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