Holy roof, Batman

At the site of the ancient dragon kiln we watched two guys make roof tiles. You will see the huge slab of clay behind him where he slices off a wet soft slab to wrap around this collapsible bamboo form. He wraps it around, gives it a wee paddling and smoothing on his make shift wheel, carries it outside and the bamboo form collapses and he is off to make another one. As the standard of living increases the people will display their wealth by installing corrugated steel roofing. What we as craftspeople would do to have these wonderful clay tile roofs on our houses and studios. The views of the roof tops as you tour the country is a piece of art.


JosieJurczenia said…
I am loving reading of your travels. Thanks for sharing.
Anonymous said…
Hi Tony Your posts are great..really enjoying them. Say Hi to Danny Crump for me..he was a tech at Peters Valley this summer for Liz Quackenbush-he and his fellow tech were great.
See you on Clayart
Jeanie in Pa.

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