A little help from my friends
This summer when I was at Metchosin I kept moonlighting in the glaze studio class run by Mr. Kodachrome Robin Hopper. Robin puts on one hellava show and had each student bring 6-800 test tiles. Do the math!!!! If you have 10 students you have 8000 glaze tests. The information was over the top incredible.
I happened to mention to Robin that I would like to develop some dry contrasting colourful glazes for Sheila. Well be careful what you ask for. I've been given homework. Robin is having me do 400 test tiles this month in a quest for colour. It's exciting and I feel like I'm doing something for Sheila to repay her for keeping the candle burning while I went off on a educational journey. The journey continues thanx to Robin. I have been privileged to stand on the shoulders of giants in this life of clay.
Here are some pics of thrown rings for test tiles. Each tile was dipped in Robin's general purpose white slip from The Ceramic Spectrum book/bible.