The Wrath of Don

What soccer needs is Canada's own Don Cherry!!! Can you image the wrath of Don if a couple of Canadian hockey players started crying after the loss of a game. These players that lay around on the soccer pitch faking pain. Don would make mince meat outta them.
Hey anyone that dresses in the equivalent of bed sheets and shower curtains had better be one tough SOB. Our colourful Canadian icon Don Cherry CBC Hockey commentator has been in horse do-do more than once for shooting from the lip. Gotta luv em!


Anonymous said…
Hey Mr. Clennell! I've been off the grid since Bruce's party, in Nova Scotia at Mum's (bald eagle watching!). I am thrilled to have so much of your blog to digest at once. It's a blast to keep up with our world filtered through your humoUr. The relationship with clay and blues we've talked about, I think there's one with clay and football too...slow developing gestural moves with one beautiful success every now and then. It's all on the Dutch and the Spaniards shoulders now! xo-cathleen n. p.s. we need to get you one of those sportcoats.
Anonymous said…
Cath lean eee- Send me your email. I don't have it. You live right across from the Alamo and I have no idea what's happening there. I'm a bit worried! P.S You ain't dressin' me in one of those outfits. I'm a dapper Dan. tc
Sandy Miller said…
Tough watching Ghana go down in overtime.......

love this guys style!
Makes me want to defect!

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