Hey Ron!

Hey Ron! How are they doing? I threw a bunch of bowls for my Introductory Throwing class at OCADU, slipped them and gave them the assignment to decorate them. If they could only just get that strong foundation of making under their belts there would be some serious competition for sgrafitto expert Ron Philbeck. Hey there would be serious competition for all of us. I think I'll hire one or two of them to make me look good.


Dennis Allen said…
Wow! They may be hiring you to throw for them!
Ron said…
Super nice. I better stay on the ball. Great to see. Hope your next round of slipping mugs goes better.
Mr. Young said…
Holy Cow! That's some mighty fine sgraffito work there!
I'm keeping my eye on these! It's been fascinating to watch your transition to slipware. I only wish I could get to one of your courses I still feel I've got loads to learn.

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