I'm here in Yellowknife, NWT trying to catch up with the time difference and have a look around town before the pottery performance art begins. I do love the distinctive license plates. Here is a view of Great Slave Lake from the rock above the house I'm staying in. Because of the three diamond mines in town the wages are high but so is the real estate. My host told me $350,000 for a trailer so many build house boats which contravene the city bylaws. Hey, this is the western frontier and it was built by people with survival skills. I walked downtown and saw the usual KFC, Boston Pizza and A and W but wanted something I couldn't get at home. There is a nice little Bistro around the corner but after I looked at the lunch menu I decided it ain't in my lunch budget $19.95 for whitefish, $12.95 for a glass of house wine, taxes and tip and I'm over $40 clams for lunch.


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