
If you thought I was dead because I haven't written you were partly right. I'm dead tired. I am exhausted physically, emotionally and mentally. It has been an exhausting 3 months of pretty well 7 days a week, 12 or more hours a day of teaching On Centre here at La Meridiana School of Ceramics here in Tuscany. I tried to have a cesta today
but couldn't stop my mind from racing.
Peitro told me early on I should leave for a week and go to Rome and travel around Italy. I didn't take his wise advise. He has seen and done this before so he knew better than I. I never left!
After we fired the wood kiln I think I hit the marathoner's wall.
Tomorrow we go to Certaldo Alto to mount the show for it's opening on Sunday. There are some very fine pots and I am extremely proud of the job that my assistant Franco Rampi and I did. Good teachers produce excellent students.
Some of the students go home to work as engineers, IT specialists, entertainers, hospital employees, landlords, etc, etc. Some will leave here next Saturday after making pots for 3 months to find themselves in executive sales meetings and staring at computer screens.
Along with their diplomas that will be handed out at the exhibition I printed off Robert Frost's The Path Not Taken.
My hope for all of them now is that at the end of their lives they don't sigh and wish they had taken the other path.


Anonymous said…
You're never on the wrong path, just making unwise choices,just not managing your life's journey well, wasting your time on detours on a path that doesn't belong to you, but you'll
eventually get there in the end.

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