Married for 120 years

I have been married to clay for well over 40 years. It has been a 24 hour a day relationship so I say 3 x 40 =120 years. Most people spend 8 hours together and I spend 24.
They tell me relationships are hard. I should know I've been in one for 120 years. Always wondered why anyone would want to do anything hard. It seems I to do it all the time. Cycling 40K a day ain't easy. Making pots for a living ain't easy. I have found if I give up cycling for a couple of weeks I have a tuff time getting back in the grove. Pottery is like that! You don't come and go as you please and be in the grove. I like being in the grove. Yesterday I was on a group ride with Railway City Cycling Club and I was riding along side a woman chatting about life. She asked what I did. I said I do pottery. She said that's a great hobby. I said "No, I have made a living from pottery for over 40 years." She quite literally drove off the road into the grass. She said "WHAT!" Once she recovered I told her that's what I do and have done. I asked her how long she had been married and she said 35 years. I said "give it another 15 and ya may have it figured out. I don't want to figure out my marriage. I don't want to become complacent about it. I don't want to stop dreaming about it. I don't want retire from it. I love her and she loves me. She has given me this incredile life and I love her for it. I figure like my Uncle Jimmie one day they will find me face down in a lump of clay. It ain't salvation that is on my agenda so if I can squeak out one or two more gooduns in this marriage I'm a happy husband.


gz said…
Well done you on all counts.
I am getting back to clay, getting back to cycling...not easy as you say.
Cyndi said…
Thank you for these thoughts. It has me thinking. Sending you hugs.

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