I love you

Tonight we were invited to our Chinese collegues wedding. Qi Ming usually sports his army fatiques but tonight was all decked out in his best bib and tucker. His bride looked especially beautiful. As customary we were all given cigarettes so Danny, Trev and I put them in our mouths to look the part. I figure we're all up to 2 packs a day anyway with everyone from the teacher to the taxi driver constantly puffing on the ole smolieolies.
The firecrackers went off and the confetti flew as the bride lit the candles. There was of course a Chinese feast of food that included Mrs. Hen here and there's our Young Danny Crump using the turtle shell to suck back the turtle meat. The kid has a cast iron stomach.


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Anonymous said…
now you just have to find someone who speaks Portuguese to read that last comment to you. ....eh?

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