Going topless

People have always questioned why I spend time on the Clayart Discussion group and have done since our first computer probably 15 years ago. I get help, information, friendship when I'm home and away with all kinds of benefits I won't bore you with. Today a Clayart lurker Liisa Reid sent me these incredible pictures of the Hoodoos in southern Arizona. You bet they inspire me and yep I'm going to print these pictures out and hang them in my messy studio as objects to reference. I think since I have found a reference for the work I am doing it is getting stronger. The Hoodoo framed between the tree limbs is exactly a form I am making. That picture has inspired me to make my next vessels with enclosed tops. They don't need to have vase openings for tops. I need to complete the vessels with a rock like structure on top. I am no longer making kitchen pots.
I am a friend of Robins,from BC
and here you are ,,,,, take that which ever way you want, Tony.