A Day in the Life

I had my last class with my Introductory Ceramics students today. The group kinda got thin from it's beginning of 11 students. This is LDS country so ya can expect a couple to get pregnant,drop out and that's what happened. Weddings, babies and sugar is where the money is. See the smiles on those guys faces- I have my suspicions!!!! A couple I asked to drop since they thought Ceramics was a bird course and ya just fiddled around. Sorry, not under my watch. I work hard and expect my students to work hard as well. One student is not in the pic as she is always late- too bad cause instruction happens at the beginning of class and then it's put on some nice tunes and it's work time.
There's a student sale of pots today and throughout the weekend. I'll take pics of some work tomorrow.
Just so you don't think it's all work and no play here is a pic of my three fellow grads down at Muskrat Crick B+B. Trevor, Denny and the Land Lady Heidi and I all started together so we had a celebratory PBR at the back of the house by the crick.


Anonymous said…
I agree Tony. The two on the left look like they might have made a quick stop before getting to class.
Anonymous said…
you tell it like it is... have a friend that has been teaching painting in iowa for 20 years... the story is so familiar... so they say "crick" there, i grew up in central ny and they said it there too.
Adam Field said…
Hey Tony, posted a pic on my blog in your honor, I know you've gotten similar pics from folks in the past just thought you might enjoy seeing another.


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