Discovering you're not Japanese

I saw an amazing Japanese water jar by Akira Satake in Asheville last week and I went to bed thinking I would make some the next day. I woke realizing I'm not Japanese. The object would have no use in my household. I have no cultural  reference.
Trouble is the value placed on these objects from Japan. A guinomi is really just a footed tooth pick holder with a fancy name. Try to get $1000 for a tooth pick holder.
A yunomi is half a Coke can with a nice foot.
A chawan is a General Purpose bowl that I would use for almost anything except hummus.
A water jar is a bean pot or casserole and how much moola do ya think you're going to get for one of them. The Japanese value ceramics as a high art. Many North Americans put a higher value on a reproduction of a painting.
So I took what I intended to be a tea jar and turned into a bean pot. Nothing like beans and bacon.
Beans and bacon- fine cuisine

Getting the loose outta me before next weeks Intensive Course

Just can't let it be.

I'm going with what we North Americans love- BACON. Yes, I think I'm on the cutting edge of a new wave in American Ceramics. Bacon holders are the next mini skirt, Beatle boot or the boot worn by almost every potter I know in Canada- Blundies (Blundstones).

Made the handles and then figured a pot to go under.

The perfect romantic dinner- bacon and flowers.

A stretched finger poke
Y'all think I eat bacon 3 times a day. Truth is I like it Sunday at a greasy spoon near by. I eat pretty well and I have learned to really like sushi. I made some trays that would be good for either sushi or bacon.
Sushi with a side of bacon.


Anonymous said…
Bacon 3 times a day, you definitely need the patch.

Anonymous said…
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Sandy Miller said…
But what about Canadian Bacon? It’s always round and weird.......

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