The chicken or the egg

I was staring today at a piece I made a few years ago. I think I was in clearly a creative space. It is not functional. It is me building with clay. So this morning while eating my now perfected poached eggs on Amish toast I stared at this piece which I really quite like and wondered what came first. I looked at it and saw The Fisheman's Trail in Portugal that I just completed this year 2022. I saw myself standing on a rock cliff looking at majestic rocks and the Atlantic Ocean- next stop Fogo Island, Newfoundland. I saw myself at Brimsone Head in 2021, the end of the earth on Fogo Island. I really think these are two of my favourite places in the world. I haven't seen all that much of this wonderful world but these places rank up there for the places I've been. I have been to some pretty cool places China, Korea, the UK,America, Europe, America, and all of Canada. So does experience create the subject matter or does the subject matter come first and then we interprept it. I'm going to be at Ash and Barrel at Amsterdam Brewery this Friday and Saturday. I'm open for dialogue. Giving a lot of thought lately to what I do and why 1


Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
But what is it?
Anonymous said…
Is it a cupcake stand?

Or a bacon pedestal?
Anonymous said…
The attractions of ceramics lie partly in its contradictions. It is both difficult and easy, with an element beyond our control. It is both extremely fragile and durable. Like 'Sumi' ink painting, it does not lend itself to erasures and indecision.
-- Isamu Noguchi
Anonymous said…
I rarely end up in the place I think I’m going because the clay has its own ideas. I like the feeling of being led by the materials. JPL
Anonymous said…
The ghost of Peter Voulkos would be so proud!
Anonymous said…
rants and raves!
Eric said…
Perhaps it is just a roughly built form- what foes that mean to you?
Anonymous said…
slip and score?

or score and slip?
Zac said…
It was nice to meet you and your wife.
Anonymous said…
Pride London

See you there.

Anonymous said…
Spoiler Alert?

You never mentioned wife No. 3?
Anonymous said…
2022 Arts Awards Celebration Event

After two years of celebrating our remarkable arts community exclusively online, the City of Hamilton is excited to be offering a dynamic in-person experience on Thursday June 9, 7 to 9 pm as part Hamilton Arts Week 2022.
Anonymous said…
Pride started as a riot.

Pride Festivities for 2022.

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