Slow Turnin'!
I am a fan of slow turnin'! A slow wheel and soft clay. It also turns out that life's lessons and change in my work seems to turn slowly.
I've written before about how early in your clay career your projectory is steep for about 7 years and then it flat lines and change happens once in a blue moon. They are small changes, little details, form and function considerations, aesthetic growth and change.
One cool thing about FB is that once in awhile it shows ya a post from years back. Today this teapot showed up from 2017.
I think this was the beginning of my ribbon handle to spring the main handle off of. I was excited about the ribbon handle and put it on everything- bowls, plates, jars, t-pots etc. I've dropped that handle for the time being. One never knows when you might revisit your past.
Then here is a little functional t-pot I made just to prove a point to myself. Size matters! A large teapot which takes the same amount of time as a small one fetches more doe, rae, me. People think they are getting more for their money. Go ahead and line up 12 cups and I'm betting the tallest one sells first.
So this is where I am today 6 years later. More details, more time glazing, a stand/trivet, and the handle sprung off the gallery rim and no ribbon handle. I am treating the t-pot more as an item with a visual function firstly and a functional teapot secondly. The teapot accomplishes both but to be honest the wee teapot would be best for everyday use. I am making for occassional use and not everyday use.
I put a copper glaze on the spout and the copper migrated out into the body of the t-pot giving a copper red. Really cool!
Keep changing, keep slow turnin'!