The Party Begins

We had a welcome party at Bagano Ristorante upon everyones arrival at La Meridiana. We drank copius amounts of Chianti, had real bread,salad, pasta and pork. I think everyone was a bit jet lagged to order grappa and espresso. On day one Vicki celebrated her birthday with a beautiful cake made my the resident chef Luchia. No that ain't Ready Whip and fake mint. Of course, we had to wash it down with some Champagne. Life is good for those that know that life is good.
Here is an old wine bottle on the premises from the days of hand blown glass. These beautiful bottles have been replaced by plastic. Things are slower to change here than in North America.
For the duration of my stay here you may see some spelling mistakes. Spell check is in Italian so almost every word in my post appears as an error.


Jerry said…
Hey hey!! Tell Linda & Mikie that Jerry from the guild says hello. I'm sure you all are going to have a wonderful experience over there!
Craig Edwards said…
Party on Tony, Party on!!
Anonymous said…
Spell check problems?? No way Tony, you can't fool us, I think we can thank the local wine for you schlurring your words. Bottoms Up!

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