You asked for it!

Here are the results of reglazing my orange shino glaze with the paste I mentioned in my blogpost "It ain't over!" Y'all asked to see the outcome. I mixed a dark blue celedon glaze into my paste formula. I held my breath that it would work. I reglazed 4 teapots and work in the morning thinking " dang, I should have only done one to find out if this really works. It's just like me to do them all. What is go great about the results is that the pots look like a successful carbon trap shino firing. At least this time I rolled the dice and beat the house. Every so often a deaf, blind and dumb warthog finds an acorn in the barnyard.
The younger me would never be bothered with refiring because I was such a prolific maker. It is different with me now. It has a lot to do with environment and recycling. I want to fire kiln loads with a higher percentage payload. It's about a conservation of fossil fuels, clay and me.


gz said…
That is very nice indeed..a luscious darkness
Anonymous said…
Classic black, now they look lux!

Anonymous said…
Do you recommend re-glazing when you have glaze faults like pin-holing or blistering in the glaze surface? Is the second time firing successful, or are they a lost cause?


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