I haven't been missing in action. I've been lugging bricks for the wood kiln. Here is a picture of the foot print of the kiln. Geez, it looks huge. Pretty well takes up the entire building. When you look at the foot print of a wood kiln you can see the engine or firebox is rather substantial. Combine that with a large chimney and the pot department is rather small. When you consider there will be 30,000 pounds of refractories to fire a few hundred pounds of pots it puts it all into perspective. I thought in this blog I will highlight some of the details being considered. Notice the checkered hardbrick/softbrick  base for the chimney. Donovan feels that an entire layer of softies run the risk of being crushed over time by the weight of the chimney.


Duncan Aird said…
Is the whole front half fire box? That is going to be one big engine!
Fish n chips said…
What an awesome project! Yes, what is the volume of the firing chamber as compared to the ware chamber? And I'm anxious to see and hear more about the really important bit: the chimney (the real engine of the beast!)
imagine said…
There are no pictures of you working Tony, is that normal?

That aside it looks "really" exciting, especially with all of those new bricks. It seems almost a shame to subject them to all that heat and punishment.

But, hurry up. I'm dreaming of at least one pot from that kiln for the "Isaac Button" show.

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