The Ride not the passenger

I like being the ride and not the passenger. I don't want to ride on the back of anyone's horse, motorcycle, or car. Since this is a pottery blog I have to say I like having my own kiln. I set the schedule, the duration, the atmosphere, and I pick the riders. I like riders not passengers. As we all know wood firing is not a spectator sport so I like people that show up and push hard. My country is half on fire at the moment and the rest of the country is a dustbowl. We were warned not to do strenuous activities today because of poor air quality. Firing the kiln at Pinecroft is on hold right now as the entire province of Ontario is under a fire ban. Pinecroft is situated in 55 acres of pines with hundred year old tinder dry buildings so for now unless The Universe unleashes a million dollar rain we are in a holding pattern. I'm a rider not a passenger so I will figure out a way. I have a wonderful gas Geil kiln just begging me to fire. Today we rode 74k round trip to Knectel's in Port Dover for pickerel tacos. The air was smokey and hazy and the land was dry as a popcorn fart. I wish our governments would start doing something global warming. All the Volkswagen plants and their 3000 jobs and new businesses in my area won't mean a shit if we can't live on this planet. Canada is warming faster than any country in the world. Phone call from my buddy David Stuempfle in Seagrove, NC told me he was seeing the smoke from Canada all the way down South. Come on Canada be the rider not the passenger. Set the pace for the rest of the world.


Anonymous said…
Sid Henderson

His work is informed by ancient Greek pottery and the images rendered on his vessels are meant to be light-hearted documentations of queer culture.
Anonymous said…
Politicians will never really do anything about climate change, not with the lobbyists and special interests groups having special access and dropping off million dollar donations to politicians and political parties.
Scream and shout Tony, see how far that gets you?
Anonymous said…
The Best Air-Dry Clays of 2023
No kiln? No problem! Air-dry clay lets you naturally create and cure your projects without firing in an oven.

Anonymous said…
The five L's for a long and happy life.

Life itself, As you pay attention to life itself, life is like a seed. It has a shell around it. It has all the energy of the universe within it, but life can't change for the better without being activated by us first.

Love, Love is the activating factor. It cracks the shell, It's the whole aspect of life as we come into it and take our first breath. Love feeds into the remaining aspects of what makes life meaningful.

Laughter, Laughter without love is cruel. It's mean and cold, but laughter with love is joy and happiness.

Labor, Labor without love is drudgery, I gotta go to work, and labor with love is bliss. It's why a singer sings, why a painter paints, why a potter pots. It's what juices you up. It's what makes you really know: This is who the inner core of me is, so pay attention to what drives you.

Listening, Listening without love is empty sound, but listening with love is understanding. When you're able to find people who understand you and what your purpose is, life becomes more fulfilling and you can go on to do the same for others.

Anonymous said…
Keep those beige flags a flying!

Anonymous said…
The fight over censorship and banned books is nothing new, but there seems to be a fresh effort to purge the shelves of so-called edgy cultural commentary.

Banned books are books or other printed works such as essays or plays which are prohibited by law or to which free access is not permitted by other means. The practice of banning books is a form of censorship, from political, legal, religious, moral, or (less often) commercial motives.

Anonymous said…
I'd like a ride!

Anonymous said…
Doing Time?

jokie x wilson

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