I didn't feel like it!!!!!

It is rare that I am away from clay for over a week. Actually I can't remember a time for the past 20 years. So I thought I should do as most people do and relax by the fire with a good book till Monday and start a fresh week. Well then the CFO of Sour Cherry Pottery presented me with the winter finances and I went to the studio to make yunomi's to ship to AKAR, sell at my workshops in SC and Tucker's just weeks away. I also start with the Sheridan 3rd years on Tuesdays to try and help them get ready for their final show.
Check out my tractor collecting neighbours Christmas tree about 75 feet up in the air on his hoist.
I also cut down another 5 of those big Chinese elms on our yard yesterday. We have been surprised at how well they burn in the wood stove. Sitting by the fire I have been plodding my way thru the Book of Genesis illustrated by "Keep on truckin" R. Crumb. This is a very difficult read but the illustrations are absolutely in the realm of genius.
I sold my little Toyota truck yesterday. I'm kinda sad as he took me over the mountains into Utah the last three years.; The CFO and I have decided this year is a good year to try being a one car family. Last year we gave up good Canadian wine and drank the bar brands and now my truck. Next year we may have to give up the weekly visits to the Spa.


Judy Shreve said…
Happy New Year to you two! -- and the one thing you can't ever give up -- is the making of the beautiful pots! Hope this year is full of the best!
Anonymous said…
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
Bill Perrine said…
Happy New Year and the living room shot is great! I can't decide if I like the coffee table/antique bench or the pottery on the mantle more! I do love antiques... but maybe not as strong as my love for pottery. I agree with Anony Mous that your blogs are geting better all the time. Gotta go, I think I hear my CFO calling!! LOL!!
Unknown said…
did you at least take the sheep skin out of the truck before you sold it? remember when cj tied cans to your bumper and then you tied the cans to the front of my bumper? why do I always get the blame?

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