Excess is never enuff!

Making some vazzzzzzzzzes and teapots today where I apply a thick slip. The thicker the better is my motto. Excess in slip, sex and good bourbon is really never enuff. I needed to come home and think about the vases. . They could stand alone without handles but what would Dan Finnegan think of me?
I'm off to a party with the ladies from the tea room at Pinecroft so maybe after some good times I'll come home and have a vision for what is next. Something is next to be sure but I just ain't sure of it at this point. Some people need to know what is for supper. What is happening tomorrow? What if and what that? I am not one of those! There is a bend in the road up ahead. Full speed ahead!


Tracey Broome said…
Just checking in. You know, I really love your posts, enjoy coming here to read, don't always have a comment, just enjoying passing through. I remember the first time I heard the name Clennell. I was at the Utilitarian Clay Congerence at Arrowmont, wide eyed, new to pottery, and Sheila had her boxes there on display. They took my breath with their perfection. I couldn't for the life of me figure out how they were made. I looked up your name when I got home and found more work, asking myself how do they do that? There was a lot of work on display at that conference, but those boxes are what I remember...... And the name Clennell.
Tracey Broome said…
Conference, thank you spell check....
Thanks also for the email :-)