The Alberta Connection
I just returned from doing my workshop in Calgary. It was like a home coming for me as I reconnected with the clay brother and sisterhood of Alberta. I had an amazing tour of the new Medalta residency that will clock in at over 25 million dollars. Pics later today. At Medalta I met Aaron Nelson the Artistic Director of Medicine Hat Clay Industries National Historic Distric. My long time buddies there included Jim Etzkorn, Bob Reimer and Les Manning. These guys have all been movers and shakers in the Alberta clay scene.
At the workshop to my surprise I had Danny Choi( a former Sheridan student) as my assistant on Saturday and then former Harbourfront resident Sean Kuntz on Sunday. Danny is now married!!!!!!! Katrina Chaytor and Barb Tipton faculty from ACAD dropped in to the workshop as did Robin Dupont from USU.
Then as a special treat we had a lovely meal with my old buddy John Chalke. John is having some health issues that have him laid up but thankfully his wit and dagger tongue are still as sharp as ever. I came home feeling very connected to the clay community.