A good life

I have spent all this time trying to find a good life. It's had it's highs and it's had it's low's Many more highs than lows. Blessed with two amazing kids and 3 grandkids that make me proud. I am grateful that I get paid to travel and tell people what I've found out. I get to make Art and write the shit that is on my mind. Once in awhile it is profound and at other times it's just truck and silly nonsense. Truck and silly nonsense is what my Grade 10 French teacher used to say to me when I didn't comprehend what the hell she was saying to me. It's just truck and silly nonsense and I won't have it!. Same kind of teacher that when a 6 year old brings the teacher a bouquet of dandelions and she tells him they are weeds and throws them in the trash.It never leaves ya. In another life I could make and assemble 20-25 teapots in a day. This afternoon I managed 3. I keep adding more and more. I like to make Art regularly. It is Art theraphy, meditation, makes my day! I must admit I miss my morning bike ride while here on Fogo .My body aches for that exercise that was as regular as brushing my teeth or morning coffee. The teapots I made today had faceted rock pedestals, the rock shelves to spring the handles off and a shell or two. How does place enter your work? Are the shells appropriate when I return to the Flatlands of Ontario?


Anonymous said…
Are you doing a residency there?
Tony Clennell said…
Yes a residency with two friends. It's quite lovely to be here for a month.
Anonymous said…
Lavender Ceramics invites queer youth ages 14-18 to join Dundas Valley School of Art for a free community specific introduction to ceramics beginning Oct. 9. Participants will be guided through building foundational ceramic technique while participating in a wellness space.

All levels welcome. Limited spaces. Call to register: 905-628-6357 ext 1


Michael Nowles said…
The Myth of the Artist that can’t make a living….they/we/them are everywhere. We are smart and talented. People visit our studios and buy our work. We have retirement accounts. We work smart and think well. Have you ever visited an artist with a beautiful home, a big studio, kilns and equipment, well appointed studios to paint, weld, hammer, plane and photograph? It is being done all over this northern continent. Pay attention because you too can be like that, if you have what it takes and want to be a success. Or you can limp along relying on the kindness of your friends and neighbors. Successful artists will bring this world along. Be a success, it’s way more fun.

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