For inspiration, write out this Mary Oliver poem and carry it with you: "Let me keep my distance, always, from those who think they have the answers. Let me keep company with those who say 'Look!' and laugh in astonishment, and bow their heads."
I've been on Fogo Island, Nfld for a week tomorrow. I have been invited out for dinner 5 nights outta 6. I have lived in Aylmer, Ontario for 8 years now and have yet to equal that total in 8 years. This is a harsh place to live. It is an island off an island with the nearest wind break being 2000 miles across the Atlantic in a place calld Ireland.
There is not much to do here after a working day so people gather in their homes. They share food, drink and good company.
I've been asked to write an article for and I'm thinking it will have to do with place. How where you live informs the work you make.I think places enter your body in mysterious ways. You don't go out and say ohh I am going to make work that represents rocks and waves. The rocks and waves sneak into your work without you knowing it.
I'm having lots of trouble trying to post my blog on Fogo. There is no computer genius, no Doctor, no bank, my credit card was compromised so they cancelled it and hence
Apple isn't getting paid so access to photos is not available. and all the 12 year olds that know anything about computers are in school. I managed this one photo, I think!
You are a unique individual after all.
Snake Plissken in Escape from L.A.
T.C. in Escape from Alymer?
you'll make it out of Aylmer.
Keep on believing...
There's no place like home; there's no place like home.