3 Brothers

I've been haunted by the death of both of my brothers in the past 2 years. I woke up thinking how different the three of us were although we had the same mother and father. I fathered these 3 jugs this morning. They are similiar but different! One's the big brother Jon, one's the middle brother James and there is the baby of the family little Anthony. I tried to make them alike but couldn't. It's easier when you don't know how to! Mark Twain said " Good decisions come from experience. Experience comes from bad decisions". How is it that my brothers never learned? Maybe I never will either. The difference is they had regrets. I don't plan to. It's about thinking with your heart and not your brain. Know what you love, know what you love to do and do that! People comment on the casualness of my pots and the freedom of mark making. It is about giving yourself permission to do it like you mean it. You don't need a self help book to make art from your heart. Pots only a mudder could love is often how my work is described. I also often think I am making work for the blind to enjoy. It's a tactile experience not just a pretty paint job. Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable. -Banksy
Sorry to disturb you! My answer "You can't disturb me more than I already am.


Anonymous said…
Being Delightfully Disturbed is an Art. You do it well.
gz said…
They are gone, but celebrate their being, good or bad.

Pirate's surviving brother (after the war) died in an accident when Pirate was 19....he got depressed around the anniversary every year..it is one thing I couldn't get him to be positive about, remembering the good things about his brother..and on top of his own health problem that finished him off at 84 years old.

Banksy quote is good

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