Bigger, better, more
On Monday Bruce Cochrane and I took the Sheridan students to see Bigger, better, more a show of work by the late Viola Frey at the Gardiner Museum in Toronto. I knew of Frey's work for it's exuberant use of colour but I was awe struck by the scale and volume of the work. This show certainly shows Frey's place with the greats of the San Fran art scene with possible soul mates as Voulkos, De Staebler, Arneson and most likely our guest artist of last year at USU- Bob Brady. This show took 2 18 wheelers to transport and it is going to travel nationally. Look at the Gardiner website for a place near you. This show is not to be missed.
I felt humbled! I was not allowed to take pics in the museum so these photos are from the catalogue I purchased. It's too bad really cause every thing is bigger than life size. The man peering down at you is probably 10 feet tall.Being a vessel man I was attracted to this ambiguous plate- is the man coming in or going out? Is he a threat or is he a friend? Is it Micheal Jackson just about to do a moon walk? I also thought it sweet of Frey to capture our national rodent the beaver on a bunch of Canadian lumber that was probably sent to China to be processed.