The Rich Man's Beans and Weiners

For several years in a row I made a couple of dozen cassoles for a local winery owner for an event he called Cassoulet, Eh! I made these rather large 12 pound slightly curved bowls for the making of cassoulet. Martin Malivoire the owner of our fine neighoburing winery would give the cassoles to some of Ontario's top chef's and they would present their creations at a gala dinner in a nice Toronto restaurant. The food of course would be paired with some of Malivoire's wines and they would be judged by food critics, chefs and Sheila and I. Cassoulet was once the poor man's stew and is now a popular dish with the rich. It is a stew or casserole filled with lots and lots of fat, pork sausage, duck, goose, muton, rabbit and white haricot beans. The meal is generally cooked rather slowly.  This meal would stick to the farmer's ribs and keep them full for weeks. 
Even though Martin no longer holds the event I still have requests to make cassoles. 


ladyofclay said…
weeks ?? I gotta try that on my farmer. That would save me alot of time in the kitchen !

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