What's Love Got to Do With It!

RIP Tina Darlin! What a woman! Sexy, talented, and a showperson extrodinaire. You left a mark, Tina Darlin! That's what I'm trying to do with my pots- leave a mark. Marks are what keep me going. Potters never share the big stage but being the lead in a bar room band is OK with me. I've had a good week in the studio. I took a hiatus from teaching for a week and what a difference that makes. Ya get your mojo/your stride back. Working back at Pinecroft brings back all kinds of memories. I walk across the pond past the dogwood tree planted on the date of my Uncle Jimmie's death. It is about to bloom and I can't wait to say hello to my Uncle in full bloom. I'm working in a seperate studio from Brenda all within the same building. I'm doing my one off's and she is doing production as she has for almost 5 decades. She has 23 employees in the restarant and gift shop that depend on her for a livelyhood. She has to make things that sell. She has moved a mountain of clay in her career. I have just me to think of and I make some of the craziest things imaginable. She laughs and snickers at what next I will dream up that doesn't sell all that well. We both had the same teachers -my Uncle and Aunt. We both took different roads. I am so grateful that Brenda keeps the candle burning in the window so that when I return from my crazy life adventures there is a light and a fire. href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhwkx8NaHMGxHqWtNBKByK8_tRyGpQ5IX4msOq53HLijaP8GJEawYVkw6WXRPdLZ4jcUPGkdUvIeGWX-80QPLWPwmB_vxHThtdsjMd1mZwjU0HYYXD9SN1q8xW2FLr30lxwt6JOH2zBWJTU1xuQtScyR1GZNFcwK8618y7HmYQH0sNRViC_XBw0CoUE/s3024/IMG_2561.jpg" style="display: block; padding: 1em 0; text-align: center; ">
The circle of life. I don't know where I cottoned on to this symbol but it is recurring in my throwing.This is the bottom of a cup. I excentuate the symbol.
this is a morning's throwing for Brenda. No fuss no muss!


Anonymous said…
You should never be at home. Home is for seven hours of sleep and that's it. The amount of time you spend at home is inversely correlated to your success professionally and romantically. You need to be out of the house. remote working habits hinders people's ability to build relationships and network, establish mentors, establish friends.

that success and work-life balance do not go hand in hand. You can have it all. You just can't have it all at once.