What's Love Got to Do With It!
RIP Tina Darlin! What a woman! Sexy, talented, and a showperson extrodinaire. You left a mark, Tina Darlin! That's what I'm trying to do with my pots- leave a mark. Marks are what keep me going. Potters never share the big stage but being the lead in a bar room band is OK with me.
I've had a good week in the studio. I took a hiatus from teaching for a week and what a difference that makes. Ya get your mojo/your stride back.
Working back at Pinecroft brings back all kinds of memories. I walk across the pond past the dogwood tree planted on the date of my Uncle Jimmie's death. It is about to bloom and I can't wait to say hello to my Uncle in full bloom. I'm working in a seperate studio from Brenda all within the same building. I'm doing my one off's and she is doing production as she has for almost 5 decades. She has 23 employees in the restarant and gift shop that depend on her for a livelyhood. She has to make things that sell. She has moved a mountain of clay in her career.
I have just me to think of and I make some of the craziest things imaginable. She laughs and snickers at what next I will dream up that doesn't sell all that well.
We both had the same teachers -my Uncle and Aunt. We both took different roads. I am so grateful that Brenda keeps the candle burning in the window so that when I return from my crazy life adventures there is a light and a fire.
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The circle of life. I don't know where I cottoned on to this symbol but it is recurring in my throwing.This is the bottom of a cup. I excentuate the symbol.
that success and work-life balance do not go hand in hand. You can have it all. You just can't have it all at once.