R Crumb's Influence

This past winter the landlady gave me a DVD to watch on my computer of the Life of R. Crumb. Little did I know that it would influence my jugs. If you know the cartoon caption of "Keep on Truckin'" then you know the work of R. Crumb. I like the looks of a jug that has that "keep on truckin" look to it. If you give yourself a generous lip to pull up and can bend the jug back just slightly it reminds you of this animated character complete with the handle as the arm. Some jugs where the potter just bends over the rim look like drunkards about to fall over not heels forward keep on truckin. The jugs that I made today are my fatties. I add a few more pounds of clay so that they can have big round beer bellies. You'll notice on my fatties I have left a ridge which is the spot where I attach the handle. The handle is pulled from the jug and after terminating the handle I give it a quick swipe with my thumb nail to give the signature "Chinese whiskers". Here are the tallies and the fatties lined up outside. I'm going to miss my outside studio when the snow flies.
How many lbs of clay do you use on these texas creamers?
Coming Soon: Mr. Natural casseroles; Flakey Foont mugs; Schuman the Human platters; Fritz the Cat bowls...
the whole depraved cast.