I Problem

No, it's not that the number of test bowls we have lined up is hard on my eyes. I just attended a day long conference on Craft and the New Economy at OCADU in Toronto. The presenters were good although mostly not makers but academics. What would a maker know about making a living in a new economy, a changing economy or any economy?
One of the presenters had a 45 minute opportunity to show his work. WT hey? These prima donnas think we all pay to see more about them. We paid to get information about a new or changing economy. The classic " I" or "eye" problem is soooooooo prevalent with those that have tenure track positions. When asked to do a presentation at a conference I would show a couple of pics of my work and address the topic I was paid to present.

We're unloading a bunch of pots tonight- different slips, glazes, firing temps. If I ever bore you with my fading vision or "I" problems just stop reading me. That my friends is the real market place.


Dennis Allen said…
OK, but if I decide to stop reading can I still return the Blog Posts that I already read for a full refund of the purchase price? (US Dollars please)
Anonymous said…
I often wonder what kind of tune academics would be singing if they had to survive by selling what they made. It sure wouldn't be a chorus.
smartcat said…
Even worse than than egotistical academics who should know better (the ones who do, don't) are motivational speakers! I swear we had one at work who could have been doing Chris Farley's routine on SNL. Does anyone else ever have the urge when asked for questions "How much are you being paid for this?" Dismounting from hobby horse.

All those test bowls look a shelf of goodies in a candy shop.....or maybe a jewelry shop. Nice!
Kim in Houston said…

I really really really love your new work! The colors, the artistry makes me green. Confession though; that wood salt fire pitcher is ooh la la, too.

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