Work Therapy


When I am digging down inside myself I go to work. I do work that is easy for me. Sometimes I make some of my best work. The buckets that Vicki Hamilton loves I made on the occasion of my mum’s death.  I didn’t know what else to do but go to the studio. Some people march off to their therapist’s spend a few hundred dollars tell their tale and come home and say things that are verbatim what their therapist said. I believe in work. Writing this blog is also my style of lying on the therapist’s couch except I don’t have to pay anything and I generally come up with my own answer- GO TO WORK, MISTER!
Instead of sitting at the kitchen table wondering what I should make next I just made some noodle bowls. Tonight I will make something more interesting. The wheel is my therapist!


Vicki Hamilton said…
Mine as well, T. If I'm in a mood, or down, feeling bummed, or even actually "ill," being at the wheel, my hands in the clay, allowing muscle memory to take over, I've pulled myself right out of it!
Annied01 said…
I made whiskey cups! And I djnt even drink whiskey!!
Dennis Allen said…
I throw mugs. They force me to go back into the studio the next day too.
Ron Mello said…
Great way to work. After all this is what we do and what we are physically and mentally.. :)
Bonnie Staffel said…
I throw birds. My mother always threw herself into a work ethic to overcome a problem. Works every time.
Scott Cooper said…
One of the tag lines for my old blog was "Cheaper than therapy". Still true!

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