The Dupont Fam Damily

Here is the Dupont family that are to become part of the USU ceramic family. Robin and his wife Eden and the two kids Illa and Rosco are moving to Logan in August so that Robin can begin his 3 year education here. They have made their living from pots in Nelson, B.C. He fires this small cat wood kiln and is anxious to get down here to hop on a train. Robin brings some good experience with him as he is a Bfa grad from Alberta and has done study abroad in Oz. Having shared a lot of good company with Alberta's John Chalke and Barb Tipton will have given him an eye for good work. If John has rubbed off on him he will be a killer when it comes to a no holds barred crit.
Look at the lovely shino glazes on his wood fired domestic ware- jugs, mugs and teapot.
It is important that the people that come here like each other. It is a long 3 years in a very intense family. Welcome, Robin and Eden to USU. Those two kids of yours are going to put some serious pressure on two of the married grad students here to have a couple like that under their Christmas trees next year.