General George Armstrong Custer
As I reflect on the panel discussion "Where have all the potter's gone" and now the death of my cowboy friend John Chalke I see even more evidence of the chipping away of the old guard. I got invited to dinner at Carol- Ann Michealson's to enjoy a lovely dinner with friends from Italy Claudia and Peitro( La Meridiana), musicians and fellow faculty member Andrew Kuntz (the best functional glass blower bar none). Carol Ann has been on the clay scene as long as I have and has now sold the studio and becoming a jeweler. A big loss to the clay community in this province. I drove home thinking how lucky I am to have lived in this community of makers and how small the world is becoming. I'm feeling a bit like General Custer. He made the un-PC statement- There are not enough Indians in the world to defeat the Seventh Cavalry. Well, George I'm doing my best to hold the flag but it they seem
to be coming at me from all directions.
to be coming at me from all directions.
Soldier on
Back aways, you had a pile of opinions to espouse, but time shifts things, and now you have much wisdom to share. Keep on sharing please, Tony. Love the blog.