James and The Village Idiot
Today I dragged my sore and sorry butt out of bed to walk down to Locke Street Walk In Medical Clinic. I have the flu big time. Out front the clinic was James the Busker. He plays his guitar rain or shine most days. I always stop to talk to him and throw some change his way. His guitar case looked pretty full so I had a bright idea of asking him if we could team up. I will learn to tap dance. I've always had an eye for making money! I've got a head start since in Grade 8 I was invited to a party with real live girls and I was thinking one might ask me to dance. My caring and thoughtful dad enrolled me in tap dancing lessons. The Beatles and the Rolling Stones weren't doing any of the tunes I had learned to dance to. My dating career was not off to a good start. Now 5 decades later I think there could be big money in it for me to tap dance along side James. If I don't comb my hair and I wear my grubby clay clothes I can easily look like the Village Idiot that also does dry walling. This is going to look good on my CV- Potter, Educator, Author and Exotic Tap Dancer. Tap dancing is going to buy me a pug mill.