BC Bud
BC's biggest agricultural export was Grass. Now with Grass not on the road a year away from national legal distribution we have another BC Bud filling those big shoes. Here is my BC bud Cathi Jefferson making one day terra sig. Pretty clever idea to put the Red Art and Darvan in a plastic bottle so ya see the three layers of clay-(the sludge at the bottom, the finer particle clay in the middle and the murky water at the top. Cathi just poked a hole above the sludge and drained the sig into a bucket ready for use. We are firing the old gas kiln today and going to introduce some soda. We also placed some small bowls of salt between the pots in the stacking. We don't expect a very juicy surface but it is a great exercise. Cathi's decoration is top drawer. Everyone is loving her. Awesome teacher and maker!
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