Socks and underwear

Hanna from Arkansas was sweet enough to make t-shirts for all the firing crew- Ratagama 2017. I'm so happy that Ratagama has stuck with the name of the kiln. Our favourite curmudgeon is here- Chuck Hindes directing the choir never lifting a finger but always on the money in terms of wood firing knowledge.
The house and the studio here are full to overflowing with visual information. The wall of shame going up to the visitors bedroom and bathroom, the bathroom, the pots that Ron makes all make one happy to be surrounded with such a celebration of life and characters. If you take life too seriously this is not the place for you.
Tonight a communal dinner of pulled pork, slaw, potato salad and baked beans. It don't get too much more southern than that. If this is southern hospitality it is where it is at for this northern boy.
Rules around the kiln are written on the bathroom wall- gotta wear your socks and underwear.


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