Turd in the Punchbowl

I’m excited to announce I’m in a show with Shane Norrie and Mary Philpott at Shane Norrie Contemporary in Stratford, Ontario with the show opening Saturday September 9th, 2017. You’re invited!!!
The show was just carved in stone today so I’m jumping the gun with excitement to announce it. When you are in a large group show you look around your supply of pots and think ya that’s pretty good, ya that one is Ok. Then you apply the formula that at least a third of other participants are so-so, a third of them will be awesome and that leaves that nice comfy gray area to live in – the middle third.  It’s easy to hide in that area like fly poop in the pepper.
When there are only 3 of you sharing an opening you don’t want the clients to enter the room to have a taste of the punch and see there is a turd floating around in it and it’s you!
It is good to leave your comfort zone and stand with artists that you admire. You know they are going to have killer work so like any other blood sport you have to be in shape. No cornball line  is going to save you- like Tom Cruise’s in Jerry Maquire  “You complete me!”. You have to show up complete. You are only as good as that night. The good ones you made before are no where in sight.

I’ve been thinking about this pairing of artists for the show. Besides being friends and fans of each other’s work I’m seeing surface and sureness of mark. Ya, I’m pretty sure I’m sure I see sureness of mark. That's for sure!

Shane Norrie paintings

Mary Philpott- clay


Linda Starr said…
all I could think of was a butterfingers in the pool, yuk

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