Mr. K told me Jen Allen is a good maker and excellent teacher. He also raved about her handles. Andrew had Jen as one of his teachers at grad school at WVU. I went to see her do a handle demo for 30 minutes at NCECA. It was brilliant as she covered three distinct handles in that time. I'm in love with the jug handle with a small cushion inside.
I am delighted to hear that two of my favourite potters have signed up for the course. Lisa Barry and Cathleen Nicholson former Sheridan grads. I had the privilege to teach with Cathleen for over 15 years at Sheridan. She is one of the closely guarded secrets in Ontario ceramics. She thinks so much about her pots I am afraid it paralyses her at times. So it is nothing short of the messiah arriving to bring her out for a course. I am thrilled! Cathleen is also one of the best wood firing women in the biz. The studio is open 24/7 at Pinecroft so with this group working together there will be electrifying mojo. The course is June 11-15- 5 days and nights
Love that cushion inside the handle |
Ain't that handbuilt lip cheeky? I spy a Rebecca handle. |
of intensive learning. There are spots open so if you want to be part of an amazing week this is it!
Jen's course is preceded by Ontario's Heather Smit who is on fire in the province due to her growing reputation as a fine maker of soft slab work and her ability as a awesome teacher. I'll show more of Heather's work tomorrow.
I love the fluting forming an interior flower- thoughtful! |
Fireworks- slip trailing |
This is such a tease. My tulips are just pooping out of the ground. |