New License

It's a new year so I can get off to a fresh start at old habits. I worked in the studio today and tried to answer the most annoying question I ever get asked. "What can I use this for?" I've even had to answer that question for the humble coffee mug. Today, I made some baskets and thought I'd add a wee slab pouring spout that really wouldn't work all that well. I have no idea what my intention was.  If I chicken out when I sleep tonight I can always go poke some holes in the handle and call them flower pots.
It is one of the things I like about winter. You dare to make things just because you can.
Happy New Years everyone. All the best of health and happiness. Hope you get some time to make something just because you can.


Trish said…
Happy New Year to you and yours, Tony..
Thanks for the encouraging words to just make 'because we can'. It reminded me of the finishing of an outstanding order that I completed in December and I told myself that this month I am going to 'play' with no pressure...well, that and totally cleaning my studio..:)
Have fun! Cheers, Trish from Alberta
Ron said…
Hey I made a weenie dog today!! Thank god for winter.

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