On the banks of the Mississippi

I made the 8 hour trek to our Nation's Capital to do a workshop this weekend. This is the kind of holiday that a working stiff gets. I call it the busman's holiday. You drive the bus and get to see the land.
I dropped into the kiln site of Duncan Aird and Emma Smith to find M at the masonry saw and Duncan getting ready to cast the key to the arch. For those of you that invested in this project I'm here to tell ya they're building a real sweet wood burner. Projected time frame for the first smoke outta the stack is early October. I hope to be there to point and grunt.
On up the low highway through the corn, soya, tobacco of my world, thru the Niagara Escarpment( a limestone up cropping that stretches 400 miles from Niagara to my old hood of the Bruce Peninsula. Past Toronto thru the St. Lawrence lowlands thru the rock out croppings into the Ottawa valley which is the entry way to the Canadian Shield. Here in the Ottawa valley I am staying with my friend Jen Drysdale and we went for dinner on the Mississippi with Chandler Swain and Mikey.  A couple of bottles of fine red wine died at the riverside. One Mississippi, two Missisippi's here I come.  This is a smaller Mississippi but no less magnificent.
I love this country. The scenery and the variation of the landscape never ceases to be a source of inspiration.


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