have the best house on the street. Here are my two neighbours houses. They bought the old houses, torn them down and built their McMansions.
I bought at the right time and on the right street. My road is one of the most desirable roads in town.
I once asked a millionaire land developer friend of mine. If you had two choices a great house and a so so location or a great location and a so so house what would you invest in? His answer " It's a no brainer, good locations always appreciate and houses always depreciate. This may of course be changing with climate change. Some of those river front properties now are uninsurable and mortgages unavailable.
A small semi detached house in my daughter's hood in Little India/Toronto sells for upwards of $800,000 and there are usually biding wars. That fever is starting to move some of those folks this far out in southwestern Ontario. A small house a couple of streets over ( not on "THE" street, my street) asking price $285,000 sold for $325,000 with 5 offers. $40,000 over ain't bad!
So the surrounding McMansions are probably good for me. I give my neighbour a nice piece of pottery every year. Their house is on a house tour this Christmas and they have asked me to put objects throughout the house. It is a win win to be seen in the prestigious homes of the area. The inside of my house may very well be the most interesting house on the block. We old rich hide our money well. Like the saying goes if I had a million dollars I'd just keep making pots till it was all gone.
Car dealer |
Retired farmer |
That's my gas kiln stack over at my house. |
Who needs a family when you have cyberspace.