Public Radio

It seems to me the secret of stayin' alive in this business has been our ability to sell our own work. It is wonderful to have exposure in larger markets to be sure but the day to day bread and butter of our livelihood depends on the energy and tenacity of Sheila and I. It means for the most part we work 7 days a week. As long as we're home we're open. For the longest time it seemed hard for me to get myself out to the studio on Sundays. Sunday is now my favourite day in the studio all because of CBC radio our Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's commercial free radio. It is the crafts person's university, newspaper, audio book and connection to the outside world. Sunday starts with Micheal Enwright The Sunday Edition which is probably the best companion you could wish for on a Sunday morning. That's a pic of Micheal in a bowtie.
Noon has the stories of Stuart MacLean- if you have never heard Dave Cooks the Turkey it is a Christmas annual that never ceases to bring a tear to my eye. The Jonathon Goldstein Wiretap also cracks me up. The afternoon usually has scholars, authors and really interesting thought provoking talks. We often treat ourselves to a glass of wine while listening and working.
BTW_ I never knew how to answer those of you that posted to my blog. I now figured it out-duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I too make a comment on my blog. Sorry it wasn't I wasn't listening it's just the learning curve.
All hail the CBC! Way to go Garvia Bailey on As It Happens!!!
We used to get CBC in Virginia, but stopped some years ago owing to some issue. Happily the internet ignores peevish snubs.
anyhooo, i love the stamped work you're doing, ever since i attended a Lana Wilson workshop, many moons ago in Toronto, i've been captivated by the textures of using stamps. but i've been a bit slack in the area of applying them to round upright pieces, using them mostly on slab and molded've given me the kick in the old butt to be more pushy with my stamps!!! thanks!
now that my new studio is up and running i'll be getting into more of a routine. anyway, great blog here!!!
cheers, Linda
Every day, especially once I had kids, and continuing as I ran a home-based business (to this day), I heard countless tales of other great (and ordinary) Canadians doing wonderful things. I read books I never would have heard about. I heard debates about issues that helped me to be a much better thinker.
My life is immeasurably richer because of CBC Radio. I have a hobby studio with a radio that is always tuned to CBC, of course.