Cussin’, The Lord and Slab Trays
I have the
answer to skyrocketing my blog to #1 for 2016. I have found through tracking
the posts on my blog that there is an unusually high readership when I mention
The Lord, I cuss a bit or I touch on the making of slab trays. Normally a day
in my blog world registers somewhere between 250-300 readers per post. Mention the slab tray and the numbers go past
the 4 digit mark. If I were to cuss The Lord can you imagine the response??? I
would probably go viral or at the very least be threatened with death by bugga
bugga. I get The Lord. I get the cussin’! I am dumb founded by people’s
sensitivity to their slab trays. I think it is general insecurity with one’s
abilities. The greater the artist the greater the doubt. Perfect confidence is
granted to the less talented as a consolation prize. -Robert Hughes
Now I'm worrying about my damn slabs warping! What a wimp. I also will admit that I have been avoiding making large bowls because of some cracking issues I've been having. Stupid cracking, fracking, clay body problem! "Don't make them and they won't crack"! Stupid logic.