I'm on Meds again!
It seems
like it has been years since I was on the big time Meds. Here is a pic Andrew
took of me finishing some Meds two summers ago. Still having a love affair with
my Thomas Stuart wheel.
I think I
made these Meds(Medieval inspired jugs) this weekend to celebrate my not being
in the Guild Sale. Tried some double wide handles.
My last time as a participant at the Guild sale was probably close to decade
ago. I love to retell the story of how my 5- 28lb jugs were sent home by the
Standards Committee because the lip dripped. The drip got a bit of my lip and I
have never returned.
I visited
the sale on Friday
and was going to say nothing because that is the kind of effect it had
on me. No communication is the strongest form of communication.
I likened
the visit a bit like being a juror at a show. The very best are so obvious, the
horrible are also speaking loud and clear and the gray area which is probably
the largest segment you spend a lot of time trying to find the best of it.
I asked
Cassara today what she thought of the show and the answer was “not much!”. She
did buy an Emma Smith pot. Jen bought a vase which was actually a cup by John
Prosser. It was crazed inside so he probably had to call it a vase. Smart
thinking, John. I should have been so clever years ago with my jugs.
I told Cassara I would like to see them load
the show like a wood kiln. Take out a third! There was way toooooooo much stuff
crammed into that place. She asked “A
third of the pots or a third of the potters!”. Answer- a third of the potters. Membership doesn’t make you a player. Entitlement is a plague of our society.
If I had
the pleasure of picking a couple of All Stars, it would Andrea Vuletin-
exceptional work and some very nice wood fired pieces by Liz Pasenow. I hope they
did well! Their work deserved some breathing space in a gallery. I wish that
show brought out the best in some very fine potters. It doesn’t! The lowest common
denominator rules at the cash register.